Saving the Light of Justice by Barry Nadel
Who will save Yoshua, Aviva and Sasha languishing in solidary confinement in a Spanish Prison? International economic pressure strangles the Spanish economy whichcauses the king to pardon them. Once home, what can they find to barter with the Spanish government to recover the chapel and its artifacts?
Spanish deputy minister of the Interior, Ernesto Palmerio promises to reopen the excavation to lure Yoshua back to his death. What can two elderly, bow wielding Hoshiyans do to save Yoshua on the Spanish-Portuguese border? Armed with information from Israeli intelligence Yoshua returns to confront Ernesto is the separatist leader. An action-packed shoot out pits Yoshua vs Ernesto.
The team returns to Spain to many surprises. Simon’s pass catches up with him. His wife’s murderer has come to Spain to finish his revenge.
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