Justice Rides by Saddletramp1956
Shot dead at the battle of Brown’s Mill in 1864, Elijah Jones, a sergeant in the 8th Regiment of Indiana Cavalry, learns that he has been recruited by an immortal being to help dispense justice in a dark world.
As part of his preparation and training, Eli spends five years with the Texas Rangers, riding with Captain Bill McDonald, one of the greatest Ranger Captains of all time. He deals with the worst humanity has to offer — robbers, carpetbaggers, crooked lawmen, and the owner of a notorious New York speakeasy.
Follow Eli Jones as he makes the transition to the avenger known as Justice O. Peace.
“Biblical Retribution with Erotic Undertones”
“Saddle Tramp 1956 is one of my favorite authors, and this is one of his best.”
” If you are looking for a good Western book, get this one and keep it on your kindle. I guarantee, you will not be disappointed!”
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