Rebel Revenge: Battle Squadron Attacks – Space Opera, Sci Fi Adventure & Edge-of-your-seat action (Galactic Rebels Book 3) by J.T. Skye
Science fiction adventure and space opera at its best. An addictive, fast-action, edge-of-your-seat journey. . . the Empire wants them dead and doesn’t care about collateral damage.
“Greetings. I’m former Sergeant Hutheen Bozon. You may have read about our exploits. I’m a female, feline Hoganthan warrior. I’m an elite sniper and the weapons officer on our warship corvette, HSS Valkyrie. The Empire has made a huge mistake – they’ve ruled we are to be executed on-sight. If they really want to try that, they need to send more of their pretty ships for us to carve up and destroy. We are warriors – elite Warriors of the Creed – and nothing, absolutely nothing, will stop us from pursuing our passion of ridding the galaxy of the unbridled arrogance and elitism of the power-hungry Houses. If you have a spare moment and want the ride of your life, join our journey as we fight the Empire, their desperation and desire to indenture billions of souls across the span of the galaxy. Join us now as we Jump into a new battle.”
Galactic Rebels book 3.
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