Featured Interview With Author Philip Gegan
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born in what is now the London Borough of Bromley, in England. In those days it was in the county of Kent. I've moved around a bit since my early twenties, having lived and worked in Cambridge, Southend, Norfolk, and now Leicestershire.
When I was in my early teens I bought a small paperback book about the work of a solicitor (a UK lawyer). The picture on the cover captured my imagination. It was of a man (the solicitor) saying goodbye to a young woman (his client) on the steps of his office building. I read it and decided that was what I wanted to be. All my school studies from that time on were directed towards obtaining at least the minimum qualifications I needed to break into the legal profession.
I made it more or less by the skin of my teeth, and qualified shortly before my 25th birthday. Four years later I was in partnership with a friend of mine, and a few years after that he left the area and I became a "sole practitioner".
Although I loved the freedom and independence of self-employment without any partners, it was hard in several ways. Holidays and sickness were always a problem, together with supervising staff, and taking all the decisions myself without benefit of a "brains' trust". Eventually I had to shut it down and move in with the big players as a conveyancer in a large conveyancing firm. When that finished, I turned to computer assembly and repairs, which I had learned in my spare time, and with the help of the internet I also began doing writing jobs for people around the world.
For over twenty years I kept chickens, and loved looking after them. With my wife, we've also owned a cat, a dog, guinea pigs, hampsters, goldfish and, now, a budgie.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
Since my schooldays I've always loved books, and have tended to collect them to such a degree that I have had to have clear-outs now and then to free up some space at home. I have books on a wide range of subjects – too wide to go into here.
I started writing purely for pleasure when I was about nineteen, but studies and social activities prevented anything further until my late twenties, when I had a few articles published in one or two minority interest magasines. Then I had a few articles published in the UK legal press, including an editorial in the prestigous Law Society Gazette. When Amazon and Kindle publishing came along, I wrote a few books that I self-published on their platform.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I love reading genuine poetry – not the modern stuff so much, which I find lacks any real substance, but mostly of long since deceased poets like Chaucer, Tennyson and Samuel Taylor Coleridge. I also like some modern thriller and horror writers like Stephen King, Dean Koontz and John Gresham. I find Geoffrey Chaucer especially inspiring, and frequently dip into his 'Canterbury Tales' (which I've read more than once cover to cover) for inspiration. I also turn to 'Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase and Fable' on occasion, where I know I'll find something to inspire me.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
My latest book is called 'An Ancient Yuletide Saga – Christmas Folklore Fantasy in Rhyme', which is a 2,000+ line rhyming story about the origins of Father Christmas / Santa Claus. It's intended for "children of all ages" (i.e. not just for children). Obviously it's a seasonal book, so not many sales yet, but the reviews have been promising. It took me about six months to write, and I loved every minute of it.
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