Featured Interview With Author Reverend Matthew Hogan
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born in East Los Angeles and grew up all over Southern California. But for the last 2 decades, I've lived in Arizona. Currently, it's my wife and I and four cats. I've also been a lifelong motorcyclist having toured most of the West and Midwest.
The constants have been my bride of 32 years and ministry. Currently, I do online pastoral counseling. She has always been my friend, encourager, sometimes challenger, and source of confirmation.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I really don't remember a time that I wasn't an avid reader. My parents fostered my love of reading and pushed me to read higher and higher level works. They also encouraged my writing. That's been constant since my pre-teen years. Then I moved toward journalism and in college was introduced to agents and publishers. Unfortunately, at the time I didn't have the follow-through to actually get published.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I primarily read Christian non-fiction. I always looking to learn new things and am always open to challenging my perspectives. I particularly enjoy C. S. Lewis and Brennan Manning. Part of what I love about them is they help me take things I'm thinking and develop them into ideas that I can actually put to paper.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
"How to be a Christian in Today's World: Shame or Fear of Failure vs. Living Confidently in God's Love" was really written with three groups of people in mind. Over 30+ years of ministry I and my wife beside me have at first seen, then helped many people struggling with their faith.
Christians and fringe Christians come with the same struggles.
There are those that have been beaten up and battered either in their churches or in their families. They've come to struggle with their worth and self-image. There are also those that want to be or are Christians but think that the lives that they've lived are beyond God's forgiveness.
There are others that have come to where Christianity is difficult and maybe even frustrating because they just can't seem to live up to the expectations of the Bible.
The last group may have been warming a pew for some time but either never really got or have forgotten the wonder and passion of being in relationship with the creator of all.
I use deep scripture research written in a way that is easily readable and examples from my own life to lead the reader down a path from pain to that confidence that they are loved and valued by God. Along the way I touch on some common topics and hopefully bring them into a new light that is more easily understood.
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Reverend Matthew Hogan’s Website
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Reverend Matthew Hogan Twitter Account
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