Featured Interview With Author Muz MURRAY
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was brought up in Warwickshire, England, studied at Art College; became a surrealist painter, and worked as a scenic artist in the theatre. As a world-travelling backpacker, I have worked in many countries,: Spain, France, Italy, Israel, Egypt, Kenya, South Africa, and India (where I studied all kinds of yoga). In the Sixties I founded a mystical community and Magazine called “Gandalf’s Garden” in London and became a mystical cult hero in the ‘Flower Power’ era. Because of my spiritual experiences I have been invited as a delegate to speak at Conferences all over the world. I have finally retired to work on my books in the hill of southern Portugal. I am basically a hermit. I don’t have any pets, but I live with a thousand geckos climbing my walls.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
Right from the age of sic I loved books. And what a treasure it was for me to discover the children’s library! Seeing my enthusiasm, the librarian allowed me to take out six books at a time. I was a voracious reader. So I guess the seeds of authorship were sown at that time.
And the first book that really charmed me, was called “Old Mother West Wind”–a bunch of quirky stories about the misadventures of the animals and creatures of the meadow and wood. I remembered the book when I became a writer myself and wondered what it was that so attracted a six-year-old. I tried to find the book so that I could write something similar myself. But no one had ever heard of it in the UK. It wasn’t until I put the name on the Internet in my Eighth year and discovered that it was a 120-year-old American classic! However, on re-reading it, I found it so old-fashioned and poorly written by today’s standards, that on finding it out of copyright, I decided to rewrite it as a labour of love for the children of today. I have called it “Old Mother West Wind Tales” to distinguish it from the original. It is now delighting a new generation of children (and also adults, who say it takes them back to their own childhood).
At sixteen I began my fantasy “Ifflepinn Island” which took me sixty years to complete, in between world-travels and work. But in later years, after becoming a spiritual mentor to thousands of seekers worldwide, I began to write my spiritual self-help books “Sharing the Quest: Revelation’s of a Maverick Mystic” and “You Are the Light: Secrets of the Sages Made Simple.”
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
My favorite genres are fantasy, children’sbooks, and spiritual knowledge. Some of my most read authors are:
J.R.R.Tolkien, Usula leGuin, Robin Hobb, George MacDonald, Colin Wilson, Marion Bradley, Mary Stewart, Ann McCaffery, Michael Morporgo, William Horwood, Arthur Osborne, David Godman, Kahlil Gibran, Aldous Huxley. Herman Hess, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Paramahansa Yogananda, Krishnamurti, P.D.Ouspensky, Gurdjieff, Edgar Cayce, James Churchward, William James, Rudolf Steiner, Sir James Jeans…and way too many more.
And books often reread:
Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, the Narnia Chronicles, the Moomin books, Duncton Wood, Watership Down, The Borrowers, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, The Bhagavad Gita, Cosmic Consciousness, Shantaram, Be As You Are: The Teachings of Ramana Maharshi
It is prompts from the Cosmoc that inspires my writings. I don’t feel that it is me doing it.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
I have already explained about my latest book, “Old Mother West Wind Tales”. But just before that I wrote something completely different, “You Are the Light: Secrets of the Sages Made Simple.” This book is the culmination of 50 years in the ‘spiritual trenches’ and gives readers insight into what real spiritualy is about. It is a profound and enlightening guide that answers the deep spiritual questions that have long puzzled seekers. Presenting the highest mystical insights of Advaita in a clear, down-to-earth style, it is designed for anyone seeking clarity on life’s greatest mysteries.
This book brings together the wisdom of the sages, without the need for years of meditation, offering direct and simple methods to achieve enlightenment. Laid in an alphabetical format for easy reference, You Are the Light tackles questions on topics such as Consciousness, Free Will, Karma, Reincarnation, the Dissolution of the Ego, and the World as Dream, among many others.
Reviewers say: “If you want real in-depth spiritual knowledge, I don’t know of any other book that does it better than this! I have all the answers I ever needed.”
• “If you want real in-depth spiritual knowledge, I don’t know of any other book that does it better than this! I have all the answers I ever needed.”
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