Featured Interview With Michael Copple
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
Mike was born and raised in the Ozarks, Missouri. As a young boy, Mike, an Eagle Scout, would lay in the grass and wonder: "What's it like……. to be up there….. above the clouds! (That might have been one of the reasons why he joined the US Air Force – to find out what it would be like!)
Mike served in the US Air Force for over 26 years. He spent a total of nine years with the Wings of Blue parachute team at the U.S. Air Force Academy (- so he found out what it is like to be above the clouds!). He was a parachuting instructor and the Superintendent of Parachuting Operations at the Academy.
Mike accumulated 2,000 parachute jumps and 15 hours of freefall. During his parachuting years Mike experienced a mishap of being a "hung jumper" outside the aircraft, and serious parachute malfunctions like a deadly seesaw night jump entanglement with another jumper, and an 85 mph wind shear which almost took his life. This experience inspired him to author the novel Calling from the Sky.
Mike is now a Canadian permanent resident and lives with his wife, Elfriede, in the Canadian Rocky Mountains surrounded by 6 National Parks.
Both, Mike and Elfriede, like to exercise, cross country ski, hike, work in the garden and walk their dog Kansas.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
Mike has been interested in books since Elementary School when their teacher was reading stories to the class. It’s always been easy for Mike to rhyme and write poems for many occasions like birthdays, Valentine’s Day, anniversaries and Mother’s Day. He didn’t start his writing career though until later in life.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Some of Mike’s favorite authors were John Grisham and Frederick Forsyth, as well as Michael Crichton (State of Fear). Over the years his favorite Book to study and read became the Bible, God’s Word.
Mike has published two books so far and the manuscript of his third book has been sent to the publisher waiting for evaluation and editing.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
Mike’s latest book “Calling from the Sky”—a Novel Inspired by True Events—was published a few months ago. Mike was prompted by a deep gratitude he has for life to write this book. It took a number of years to finish it as it took a great part of his life to build this story. Mike experienced many “close calls” mostly during a period of seventeen years and over 2000 parachute jumps.
One day his oldest son, Don, said to him, “Dad, you should write those stories down so they don’t get lost.” This began an autobiography which evolved into a more exciting thriller (since he didn’t think anyone would want to read about Mike Copple). So the truth became “faction”. Mike, who experienced the parachuting malfunctions mentioned in the book, gives detailed descriptions of the malfunctions and handling of the incidents. The parachuting incidents and malfunctions are authentic, but the causes of the malfunctions are fictitious wrapped in a Russian spy, action loaded suspense story. The beginning of the espionage is accurate, but the manhunt is all a product of imagination. This book not only covers action, intrigue, suspense, romance, and humor but also educates on the Word of God, world history, KGB training practices, as well as on geography in Russia and the States. It presents a life of service to country, family and eventually God.
Here is how “Calling from the Sky” begins:
“Now, Mr. Squealer, as you can see, we are not going to kill you. Instead, you are going to kill yourself.”
“Yeah,” Green chirped in, “as soon as your arm becomes too heavy to hold out in front any longer, it will fall, pulling the line tight, and your nicely adjusted hair-triggered hunting rifle will fire…and it is, as you can see, aimed directly at your mouth!”
Green and the others departed.
Luke was bleeding and in pain. His extended arm was beginning to ache. He tried to relax and make the pain go away. It worked…for a few seconds. He took some deep breaths and tried to relax. He tried to think positive thoughts. Maybe someone will come by and find me. Not too likely though. Archery season has just begun. But it’s getting late in the day. Maybe someone is up here scouting out the area. Not likely either; it’s almost dark.
Taking deep breaths was working. He could relax his shoulder, upper arm, and forearm and make them all feel lighter. But the burning sensation didn’t stop.
He thought about his family and the eight previous times he narrowly escaped death, and for a fleeting second he recalled the superstitious saying “A cat has only nine lives.” The present predicament was his ninth. ……..
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