Featured Interview With Author Mary Elizabeth Fricke
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I'm a country girl who grew up next to a dairy farm. But I didn't realize how little I knew about 'farming' until I married my husband almost 42 years ago. Now, we live five miles south of the Missouri River–I grew up five miles north of the Missouri River–on a farm that has been consecutively operated by my husband's family for five generations. 'Country' is really all I know so that is the basic theme or setting for most of my stories. As for pets…I've had many over the years. Dogs, cats, and guinea pigs. My sidekick Golden Retriever-Shepherd Mix, Sami, died at the age of fourteen years in 2011 and I still have not tried to replace her. There'll never be another Sami. My Badcat of 12 years age died last summer and her last kitten, Fluffy-Butt, disappeared this spring. So, right now we have no pets underfoot. I miss them.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
My mother was an avid reader and a published poet. I attribute my initial interest in reading and writing to her influence. Some of my first memories are of Mom reading to me and later encouraging me to read. We were a family of avid readers and Mom was not surprised when I told her I wanted to write stories of my own. She'd been hearing them since before I could write them down!
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I tend to read romance or some kind of romantic suspense or action. But, I have a long list of favorite writers. I collect Sandra Brown's books, and Kim Harrison's–best-selling authors who produce very different styles of writing. I'm envious of the talent Erma Bombeck displayed poking fun at herself while also defining life in general. John Bowers would be my favorite futuristic science fiction author but I also read Newt Gingrich's fiction and non-fiction and others such as Dan Brown and James Patterson. 'Ashes in the Wind' by Kathleen Woodiwiss is my, above all, favorite historical novel. I think, in some way, all of these authors have inspired my writing, if for no other reason than to improve my own unique style
Tell us a little about your latest book?
'Wise Bold Eagle' is number five in the Birds in Peril Series. The basis for the story is Sylvia Pentherst's relationship with Thad Hunt. However, Sylvia and Thad are drawn into the drama when Lisa Cromwell-Hunt decides to 'inventory' the contents of her family's historical home before her father sells it. She recruits all of her Hunt and Harvester friends on the same weekend that Sheldon Humsler escapes prison and attempts to bury all evidence against himself. Humsler's need for revenge overrides any common sense thought he may have of just escaping the country. However, Humsler meets his match in Sylvia Pentherst and her Hunt-Harvester 'girls'. For a while, I thought this would be the final book in the series…and while it does sort of end the Humsler issue…sort of…There are other characters stepping forward who insist I tell their stories, beginning with Billy Harris.
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