Featured Interview With Author Mark R. Worden
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was raised in Southern Oregon but since that time have lived in 4 other states and spent four hot and lovely years in Manaus, Brazil. Presently, I have lived in Dillon, Montana for the past 18 years. In my spare time I like to grab a fly rod and launch my drift boat on one of 5 blue Ribbon trout rivers within a short drive from my home. Naturally some fishing stories made it into my first book having been partially raised by a fish-crazed dad. I also share some stories from my days in Brazil as a missionary by way of illustration to make my non-fiction book about knowing God more practical and down to earth. I have been involved in various ministries over the years and enjoy teaching the Bible having received a B.A. in Bible and a M.A. in Teaching Bible. Publishing my fist book was dream come true and I thank those who helped throughout all the stages of my life all the way up to the publication of “HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations”.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I struggled from dyslexia in my early years in school until a teacher realized I needed extra help. If it were not for the help and attention of some special ed teachers, I may have never liked to read or go on to college. I still am a slow reader and writing is something I have to work really hard at. I enjoy writing as a way to think more deeply and clearly about my beliefs and life. As a grandpa, I now want to write out my stores for my grandchildren to read.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
For a fiction read that I can’t put down when I want to be totally absorbed in another world, I read books written by C.S. Lewis and George Mcdonald.
For a non-fiction read that challenges me spiritually, I turn to works from John Piper, J.I Packer, and A.W. Tozer as well as many others.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
Over a period of about 10 years, I took the challenge of Hebrew 11:6 to seek God seriously by looking for all the God is statements that I could find in the Bible. I discovered that God clearly reveals who “HE IS” throughout the history and stories of the Bible. Each chapter of my first published book is a “HE IS” statement about God that helps us to know Him better as we mediate on each attribute of God.
I suggest that readers do a slow reading of the book through the year by taking one chapter each week, so they have time to really pause and think about who God is. However, a quick read can also be enlightening as one is exposed to approximately 800 quoted verses of Scripture through the fifty, “HE IS” meditations.
“HE IS! Knowing God through Fifty Scriptural Meditations” can probably be considered devotional theology that is inspirational in nature. I share from my own stories of life and ministry like a grandpa would tell his grandchildren to make the devotionals relatable to life and practical. At the end of each devotional there are reflection questions and more suggested Scriptures to read for one’s personal meditation and spiritual growth.
I hope you will consider giving “HE IS!” a read in 2023 as part of your own spiritual journey. The Hebrews 11:6 adventure waits for anyone who is willing to take it. Blessing to you in 2023!
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