Featured Interview With Author Jen Legaspi
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was born and raised in San Francisco. Except for two years away at college, I lived in the Bay Area my entire life until I decided it was time to pursue my dream of living in another country. I chose Sayulita, Mexico based on intuition. It was the first decision I've made purely for myself and though I've been a bit homesick at times, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything.
Sayulita is a beach town and I love being within walking distance to the ocean. Living a life surrounded by the jungle and nature is an incredibly healing experience. I am learning how to be more heart-centered and am taking a more balanced, compassionate approach to how I live my life.
I include posts about my new life in Mexico on my Instagram account: @jenlegaspi.coach
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I was reading simple books at about 3 years old. I loved reading. My favorite childhood books were Goodnight Moon and Madeline. As an older child, I enjoyed writing short stories and attempted to write a short play, Mystery of the Disco Dancer. I still have printed copies!
Though I dabbled with writing when I was young, I never aspired to be an author. I studied journalism in college but graduated with a fine art degree. And in corporate life, I occasionally wrote employee communications and other articles for the company intranet, but it was not my full-time job focus.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
Two of my favorite books are Untamed by Glennon Doyle, and Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. They write in way that evokes a strong emotional connection to their journeys, as well as to what we long for within our souls.
I have always been a seeker and gravitated towards books that inspired me to go deeper within myself. The first book that helped me do that was There's Nothing Wrong with You, by Cheri Huber. So self-help books and spiritually inspirational books have been my go-to genres.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
You might be asking, "Why write a book if you never wanted to be an author?"
The short answer is, I was guided by spirit twice. The first message was delivered in a healing session I had with a prominent medium and psychic healer.
He said, "You're writing a book."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are. I see it. You're writing about an experience you had. There's a book signing. You're writing a book."
I've worked with this psychic before and knew how accurate and on point his insights are So I filed it away in the back of my mind because at the time, I had no idea what I could be writing about.
Three years later, in a plant medicine journey, I received a download of my book topic and knew without a doubt I was to write about my healing journey after my painful divorce. I began writing immediately (literally, the next day and every day after for an initial three months straight.)
In Brave Wise Woman, I detail my journey and intuitive process of how I arrived at acceptance and closure after a painful divorce. Rather than continue to jump into another relationship, I took responsibility for my healing and learning who I am, and uncovered the unconscious patterns in my romantic relationships that were no longer serving me so I could make new choices in my life. My journey was fueled by curiosity, which I discovered is one of the best medicines for healing a hurt heart. My hope was to inspire other women to also become curious about who they are because I truly believe this world needs more women who are living an authentic, brave life.
Just over a year later, my book was published.
(photo credit: Scott David Burgess © 2022)
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