Featured Interview With Author Eva Tillman
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
I was raised on the East Coast, regularly swimming in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and loving every minute of it. I considered living in several regions of the United States before I finally settled in the West with its palm trees and almost constant sunshine. I love to read, eat, and help others feel good about themselves.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I have been fascinated with books since the age of 8. I engrossed myself into the books, to the point that the characters became real.
As a teenager, I started writing poetry. It was a way to express my innermost feelings. And the thought of publishing did not occur to me until I was almost 50 years old!
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I love to read Shakespeare. He did not seem to allow himself to be confined by time or subject. He simply wrote and wrote and wrote.
I mostly read psychology books though. I am learning so much about myself.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
In my first and most personal work, "Dear Mom" (A letter I will never send, to a mother who who would never read it anyway), I do my best to write as if I am writing to the inspiration for the book, my narcissistic mother. Perhaps one day I will deliver the book to its rightful recipient. For now, I enjoy the liberation of having poured out my true feelings.
Although I was writing about my own life, it took me a few months to complete the book because there were difficult subject matters – abuse, neglect, depression, PTSD, sexual assault. But writing it was definitely therapeutic.
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