Featured Interview With Author Dominic Adu
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
Born and raised in the Ashanti region of Ghana, I have ever loved to be in the house of God. I have always served as an honourable church cleaner for my church right from the onset. I love getting things arranged to kickstart church services. I recently reside in the United Kingdom, and lovely for me, I'm still actively involved in church cleaning. I have strong desire communicating the desire of the Lord as given by the Holy Spirit. I'm geared towards influencing the youth of my generation wherever I find myself. I have served as the youth president of my church and also as the Master Chaplain of the secondary school where I was a teacher.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
I got to love the art of writing when I got the privilege to proofread books of my pastors. With the touch of art I found associated with articulate communicating of messages through words in writing, my interest was caught. I also believe it was more than just an interest but a spiritual gifting from the Lord. I started writing myself when I was having my undergraduate studies, where I jotted pieces of inspiration I would get in my special book because at that time I did not have a computer. Any inspiration or a strong sense of knowledge I received from the Holy Spirit I looked for a specific space in my special book to jot down. Sometimes I would receive the continuation of what I had previously jotted down weeks in the past. With time I realized that there was a connection between lots of the inspiration I had separately jotted down. The relationships then became brighter and brighter. Other times God would give me the conclusion of a topic He wants me to write while I do not know how the introduction or body would look like. Everything becomes obvious with time, all through the teachings and inspiration of the Holy Spirit whether through experiences or revelation.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I would say my favorite author is Dr. Myles Munroe. I like the way he communicates his ideas and I was much inspired when I read some his books. For the one who inspires in my writing is the Lord Himself. The Spirit of the Lord will seize my attention on a subject and begin to expound certain aspect to me. Before I would realize a very profound, clear and sounding idea would have been conceived in my brains. I love the parables of the Lord Jesus; how He communicated them throughout the bible and the sense of mysteries behind His words. I'm very much inspired reading the words of the Lord Jesus
Tell us a little about your latest book?
I have done my first publication though I have some books in the finishing stage. My latest book, and first published for that matter, is entitled: 'A Life-Saving Giver'. It took me close to eight months to finish the raw manuscript. I spent close to a year looking for a publisher I could sign up with. Due to financial constraint I couldn't go with the professional editing deal. Yet, God being so good, I got some good Samaritan couple who did a great deal of proofreading for me. The finished material is 243 pages long and got published in 12th July 2024.
I love the message this book carries. The title, 'A Life-Saving Giver' tells it all. The book offers a compassionate call on all to become life saviours through giving. If there is someone who does not know the reason a person should give; if there is someone who want to be challenged to give; if there is someone who has been talked out of giving; and if there is someone who is hindered by fears not to give, let the person get a copy of 'A Life Saving Giver'. I read the book myself and I am challenged every time I read it to give; because the power behind the words is from the Lord.
Beyond the above, the Holy Spirit's inspiration given to me on the parable of the good Samaritan is well expounded in the book forming the theme and rhythm of the book. The Lord Jesus' ministry equated to the characteristics of the good Samaritan is revealed in the book. The Holy Spirit made me know that the Speaker of the parable of the good Samaritan was speaking about Himself. Right from the start to the ending of the good Samaritan parable was about Jesus. As a result the five-fold ministry and how they fit into the expression of this inspiration is well enlightened in the book.
The book is a life-changing, thought provoking and mind transforming piece of manuscript. There is a diving message being conveyed in this book. The reader would be empowered for a positive action after reading this book. God bless everyone who gets a copy.
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