Featured Interview With Author DL RENDER
Tell us a little about yourself. Where were you raised? Where do you live now?
Hi. I was raised in Milford Michigan. Joined the U.S. Navy out of high school. Traveled the world for 20 years. Some good experiences, some not so much. I have two dogs a Boxer-Pit mix and a hound dog. Have 6 kids – 4 girls and 1 boy. I currently live in Richmond, Michigan. In the country. Open spaces is the way to live and write.
At what age did you realize your fascination with books? When did you start writing?
The reading bug really hit me around eighteen. Consuming many genres. Including Biographies of historical figures, historical fiction, fiction and fantasies. Tolken – "Lord of The Rings" captative my attention for many days. Currently- CS Lewis and Dante have had a great influence on my first novel. "Guardian Angels Battle for Human Souls". Released date November 13th.
Who are your favorite authors to read? What is your favorite genre to read. Who Inspires you in your writings?
I will read most anything – except romance. CS Lewis, Dante, Bill O'reilly, Patrick O'brien, CS Forester.
CS Lewis and Dante inspired me to write my first novel. Lewis' "Screwtape Letters" caused me to wonder, could I write the antithesis to "Screwtape Letters". So, I did.
My second writing will take the protagonist, with the guidance of his Guardian Angel, through the painstaking take of repentances to be cleansed and ascends to Heaven.
Tell us a little about your latest book?
Guardian Angels Battle for Human Souls:
Leuviah (Guardian Angel) is assigned to guide and protect Lyle as he journeys through the hurdles of life. There will be trials for both Leuviah and Lyle. Demons are present, working hard to corrupt Lyle to do evil and damn his soul to Hell. At times, Lyle will question his relationship with God. Leuviah works diligently to keep him on God's path. There are periods in his journey, Lyle falls to the dark side. With a herculean effort, guidance from Briathos (Mentor), Leuviah charges forward to guide Lyle on a spiritual path. In the end, will Lyle be in God's graces as he ascends from this life to the next?
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